
Great collection of products & services for expecting, new moms and providers.
Perfect for self or baby shower gifts!

Baby Shower Gifts

Postpartum Guide

$ 14.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD

Weekly Pregnancy Journal

$ 24 USD
$ 24 USD

Mother's Milk Herbal Tea

$ 15 USD
$ 15 USD

Mindful Poster

$ 45 USD
$ 45 USD

Mewl Baby Tracker Whiteboard Set

$ 24.99 USD
$ 24.99 USD

Postpartum care package + Birth & Postpartum support planner

$ 89.99 USD
$ 89.99 USD

Birth Recovery Pack + Birth & Postpartum support planner

$ 89.99 USD
$ 89.99 USD

Postpartum Belly Wrap

$ 29.99 USD
$ 29.99 USD

Pre-packed mama's hospital package + Birth & Postpartum support planner

$ 89.99 USD
$ 89.99 USD

Latch Baby book

$ 21.99 USD
$ 21.99 USD

Herbal Sitz Bath

$ 25 USD
$ 25 USD

Invitations & Forms

Editable Family's Daily Planner

$ 10 USD

Editable Baby's Daily Planner

$ 15 USD

My Pregnancy Journal

$ 35 USD

Moms & Baby's Activities Tracker

$ 15 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Bear - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Bloom - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Toys - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Twins - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Flowers - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Clouds - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Multi Color - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Pink - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Oh Baby - 25

$ 35 USD

Customized Baby Shower Invitation - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Bunny - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation Pink - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Invitation - 25

$ 35 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Gift Tags - 50

$ 25 USD

Customizable Baby Shower Gift Tags - 50

$ 25 USD

Personalized Baby Shower Gift Tags - 50

$ 30 USD

Birth & Postpartum Support Planner

$ 20 USD

Mama Mantras for the Mompreneur Affirmation Cards

$ 29.99 USD

Mini Mantras(for kids) Affirmation Cards

$ 29.99 USD

Women's Apparel

Doula Life T shirts

$ 30 USD

Super Mom T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Supporting Moms T shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Mom to Be T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Delivers T shirts (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Lactation Consultant T shirts (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Parents To Be T-Shirt For Mom & Dad (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Moms Squad Sweatshirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 45 USD

Baby On Board T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Midwives Supporting Moms (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Midwives Birth's Soul (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Mom's Life T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Mom To Be T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Mama To Be T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Mama Self Care T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Proud Doula Sweatshirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 45 USD

Everyone Deserves Doula T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Support Mama's T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Mothering Mother T- Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Love My Craft T- Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Rocks T- Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Nursing/Breastfeeding Shawl

$ 34.95 USD

Free flowing maternity tunic top

$ 31.99 USD

Men's Apparel

Super Dad T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Calm Dad To Be T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Dad To Be T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD


Doula Support Bags

$ 35 USD

Doula Magic Bags

$ 35 USD

Doula Tote Bags

$ 35 USD

Self Care Day

$ 35 USD

Believe in Myself

$ 35 USD

Beautiful Mama Tote

$ 35 USD

Tote Bag for Moms

$ 35 USD

Mama's hospital and toiletries bag combo

$ 59.99 USD

Mama's organizer/Hospital accessories bag

$ 19.99 USD

Mama's hospital bag/Mommy bag

$ 39.99 USD


Proud Midwife Bottle

$ 35 USD

Doula Delivers Bottle

$ 35 USD

Best Mom Bottle

$ 35 USD

Personalized Water Bottle

$ 35 USD

Doula Rocks Mugs

$ 30 USD

4 Personalized Coasters

$ 40 USD

4 Coasters for Mama's

$ 40 USD

Amazing Mom Mug

$ 30 USD

Coffee Mugs for Moms

$ 30 USD

Doula Mugs

$ 30 USD


Multi Color Necklace

$ 60 USD
$ 60 USD

Heart shape pendant with Garnets

$ 200 USD
$ 200 USD

Handmade Chalcedony Necklace with Garnets

$ 250 USD
$ 250 USD

Handmade Chalcedony Pendant with Chain (March Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Emerald Multi Loop Necklace (May Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Multicolor Tourmaline Necklace

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Garnet Pendant with Chain (Jan Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Silver Mother & Baby Giraffe Pendant with Chain

$ 175 USD
$ 175 USD

Handmade Bali Silver Crystal Pendant

$ 60 USD
$ 60 USD

Handmade Ruby Pendant with Chain (July Birthstone)

$ 60 USD
$ 60 USD

Handmade Multi gems: Moonstone, Adventurine Necklace (Sep Birthstone)

$ 200 USD
$ 200 USD

Handmade Circle Pendant with Aquamarine Stone (March Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Green Amethyst Pendant with Chain (Feb Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade White Moonstone Necklace

$ 200 USD
$ 200 USD

Handmade Blue Iolite Necklace (Sep Birthstone)

$ 75 USD
$ 75 USD

Bali sterling silver necklace

$ 125 USD
$ 125 USD

Handmade Black Onyx Pendant with Chain (Dec Birthstone)

$ 60 USD
$ 60 USD

Multi gem necklace (For April)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Pink Chalcedony Necklace (October Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Green Peridot with Fresh Water Pearl Necklace (June/August Birthstones)

$ 150 USD
$ 150 USD

Handmade Yellow Citrine Necklace with Labradorite Pendant (Nov Birthstone)

$ 200 USD
$ 200 USD

Handmade Black Onyx Necklace (December Birthstone)

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Handmade Ruby Gold Plated Necklace (July Birthstone)

$ 90 USD
$ 90 USD

Handmade Aquamarine Briolette Necklace (March Birthstone)

$ 175 USD
$ 175 USD


Handmade Chalcedony Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade White Moonstone Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Lapis Lazuli Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Black Onyx Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Amethyst Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Earrings with Aquamarine

$ 50 USD

Handmade Green Opal with Clustered Loops

$ 50 USD

Handmade Goldplated Earrings with Loops

$ 50 USD

Handmade Chalcedony Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Green Chalcedony earrings with loops

$ 50 USD

Handmade Ruby Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Green Opal Earrings

$ 50 USD

Handmade Gold Plated Earrings

$ 50 USD

Expert Consultations

Pelvic Floor Fitness Training

$ 295 USD
value) Customized Package

$ 120 USD

Virtual 1:1 Newborn Care Consultation

$ 300 USD

Reiki 60 min session

$ 60 USD

Reiki 30 min session

$ 40 USD

Bronze Lactation Consultation Package

$ 400 USD

Silver Lactation Consultation Package

$ 550 USD

Gold Lactation Consultation Package

$ 950 USD

Premium Consultation Package: Pregnancy, Postpartum or Babies

$ 600 USD

Nourished Consultation Package: Pregnancy, Postpartum or Babies

$ 375 USD

Basic Pregnancy, Postpartum or Baby Nutrition Consultation

$ 150 USD

Birth Plan / Birth Preferences Counseling ($150/hour)

$ 150 USD

Private in-person Childbirth Education Classes

$ 600 USD

Birthing Babies - Birth Doula Services

$ 3,100 USD

Lactation Counseling

$ 180 USD

Placenta Services

$ 300 USD

Virtual OR In person prenatal preparation

$ 700 USD

Online Courses

Whole Again (self-guided)

$ 74 USD

New Beginnings: A complete virtual program to optimize pregnancy and prepare you for delivery (self-guided)

$ 47 USD

Self Paced Perinatal Pelvic Floor Health Workshop - 7 Weeks

$ 147 USD

90 Mins Self Paced Perinatal Pelvic Floor Health Workshop

$ 27 USD

Reconnect- physical therapy for your core and pelvic floor

$ 49 USD

Sacred Season Online Course

$ 525 USD

Comprehensive Digital Breastfeeding Course

$ 19.99 USD

Cloth Diaper 101 virtual classes

$ 10 USD

Fertility Awareness Method to Achieve Pregnancy - Video Course

$ 130 USD

Fertility Awareness Method to Avoid Pregnancy Naturally - Video Course

$ 130 USD

FamSummit VIP Recordings

$ 90 USD

Classes & Support Groups

Virtual Program: Un-Conditional Well-Being for Moms

$ 199 USD
$ 199 USD

Pre & Post Natal Training

$ 144 USD
$ 144 USD

Prenatal Yoga

$ 450 USD
$ 450 USD

Growing Together Mom & Baby Group

$ 129 USD
$ 129 USD

Birthing Support Group

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Fitness for Moms

$ 18 USD
$ 18 USD

Educational Tools, Forms & Sample Contracts

Night Doula Baby Care Log

$ 9.99 USD
$ 9.99 USD

Spanish: Labor Position Printable Cards

$ 14.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD

Spanish:Editable NCS Client Intake Form

$ 9.99 USD
$ 9.99 USD

Spanish: Editable Postpartum Client Intake Form

$ 9.99 USD
$ 9.99 USD

Spanish: Sample Birth Plan

$ 9.99 USD
$ 9.99 USD

Spanish: Signs of good latch & potential challenges

$ 4.99 USD
$ 4.99 USD

Spanish: Childbirth Props/ Birth Tools Printable Cards

$ 14.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD

Spanish Editable Birth Client Intake Form

$ 9.99 USD
$ 9.99 USD

Spanish: Labor Stages Printable Flyer

$ 9.99 USD
$ 9.99 USD

Spanish: Breastfeeding Position Printable Cards for Singles & Twins

$ 14.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD

Spanish: Postpartum Changes in Body - Printable Flyer

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Sample Contract Template - Placenta Encapsulation

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Client Appointments and Hours Planner

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Sample Postpartum Team Scheduler

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Sample Family Meal and Grocery Planner

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Monthly Budget Planner

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Sample Birth, Breastfeeding & Postpartum Care Plan Templates

$ 25 USD
$ 25 USD

Editable Sample Postpartum care Plan Template

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Lactation Consultant/CLC Super Bill Template

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Doula Super Bill Template

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Sample Formula Feeding Plan Template

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Doula Client Welcome & Onboarding Package

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Sample Breastfeeding Plan Template

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Breathing Techniques for Early & Active Labor Printable Cards

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Postpartum Changes in Body - Printable Flyer

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Childbirth & Postpartum Calming Techniques Printable Cards

$ 15 USD
$ 15 USD

Birth & Postpartum Affirmation Printable Cards

$ 15 USD
$ 15 USD

Baby Burping Positions Printable Cards

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Sample Birth Plan Template - 5 Pages

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Hospital Bag Checklist

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Childbirth Props/ Birth Tools Printable Cards

$ 14.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD

Human Milk Storage Guidelines

$ 3 USD
$ 3 USD

Labor Stages Printable Flyer

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Breastfeeding Position Printable Cards for Singles & Twins

$ 15 USD
$ 15 USD

Labor Position Printable Cards

$ 14.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD

Editable Sample Contract Template - Nanny

$ 20 USD
$ 20 USD

Lactation Consultant/CLC Business Launch Package - Over 15 Templates

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Newborn Care Specialist Business Launch Package - Over 15 Templates

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Doula Business Launch Package - Over 15 Templates

$ 100 USD
$ 100 USD

Editable Sample Resume - Doula/NCS

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Moms & Baby's Activities Tracker

$ 15 USD
$ 15 USD

Editable Client Info Organizer Bundle

$ 15 USD
$ 15 USD

Editable Client Visit Tracker

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Business Cards & Business Flyers

$ 25 USD
$ 25 USD

Editable Lactation Consultant/CLC Sample Client Intake & Contract Forms

$ 40 USD
$ 40 USD

Editable Sample Template - Invoices & Receipts

$ 5 USD
$ 5 USD

Editable Sample Contract Template - Postpartum Day Time Doula

$ 20 USD
$ 20 USD

Editable Sample Contract Template - Postpartum Night Time Doula

$ 20 USD
$ 20 USD

Editable Sample Contract Template - Birth/Labor Doula

$ 20 USD
$ 20 USD

Editable Sample Contract Template - Newborn Care Specialist

$ 20 USD
$ 20 USD

Breastfeeding Support Cards For New Parents

$ 10 USD
$ 10 USD

Editable Doula/NCS Client Intake Forms

$ 39.99 USD
$ 39.99 USD


Doula Support Bags

$ 35 USD

Doula Magic Bags

$ 35 USD

Doula Tote Bags

$ 35 USD


Doula Life T shirts

$ 30 USD

Supporting Moms T shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Delivers T shirts (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Lactation Consultant T shirts (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Midwives Supporting Moms (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Midwives Birth's Soul (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Proud Doula Sweatshirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 45 USD

Everyone Deserves Doula T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Support Mama's T-Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Mothering Mother T- Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Love My Craft T- Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Doula Rocks T- Shirt (Multiple Colors)

$ 30 USD

Bottles & Mugs

Proud Midwife Bottle

$ 35 USD

Doula Delivers Bottle

$ 35 USD

Doula Rocks Mugs

$ 30 USD

Doula Mugs

$ 30 USD

Member-only discounts


Smart bassinet and crib

Manufacturer's description
Cradlewise is the only crib that responds to your baby before they cry. The built-in monitor senses early wake-up signs and starts bouncing automatically to soothe them back to sleep. By addressing movements rather than cries (unlike other smart cribs), the whole family gets longer stretches of sleep. Cradlewise learns and adapts to your little one’s schedule, forecasting sleep and wake-up times. member discount
Cradlewise is offering Members $100 off the purchase of any crib. Just use this link. Members get exclusive access to discounts and deals from partner companies. Join for free to start shopping!